April 19, 2024

Ep. 115 – The Naked Truth About Wine Additives, Bargain Wines and More!

This week, it’s a very special visit with California’s most respected wine historian, Charles Sullivan. Of course, Sullivan’s immense knowledge extends far beyond the borders of the Golden State. Sullivan shares stories from his vast experience as a historian and  author – including a ghost story or two, to get you into the Halloween spirit.

Also on this week’s show, David explains why the enjoyment of the wine is generally dictated by the context within which it is consumed.

Then, our Gadget Guru, Matt DuBow, shares some novel ways to take your Halloween party to another dimension.

It’s all in good fun on Grape Encounters Radio.

[haiku url=”https://grapeencounters.com/media/2011-10-07_ge1008podcast.mp3″ title=”A Tale of Two Sauvignons”]

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