February 6, 2025

Episode #329 – Drinkin’ Barefoot: The Unlikely Success of America’s Most Successful Wine Brand!

Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, founders of Barefoot Wine

Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey were trying to help a friend collect a debt.  What transpired is truly unimaginable! Neither Michael nor Bonnie knew much about wine… but they understood consumers better than 99% of the population. Michael and Bonnie followed their instincts to a place no wine brand had ever been before… the success story of Barefoot Wine is so amazing that it literally changed the way wine is marketed and created an entry point for consumers that might have otherwise migrated to beer and spirits.  Americans now drink more wine than any other adult beverage, and it is likely that Bonnie and Michael’s Barefoot Wine brand had a great deal to do with it!  Hear the Barefoot story on this week’s episode of Grape Encounters.

Also on this week’s show, some news from the world of wine, handpicked for your personal enjoyment.

OK, take off your shoes and let’s go Barefoot with Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey; now New York Times Best-Selling authors and delightful Grape Encounters Radio Guests!

[haiku url=”https://grapeencounters.com/media/ep329.mp3″ player=1761]

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