February 6, 2025

Flooded Vineyard

Episode #395 – Will the end of the drought mean a flood of great wines in 2017

After 5 years of unprecedented drought in California, the flood finally came… and did it ever put the enormous dry spell to bed. For several weeks, creeks in many of California’s wine regions have been overflowing their banks; a double-edged sword as plenty of damage occurred to infrastructure, but water supplies returned to 100% and even more.

Gladys Horiuchi, Director of Media Relations at the Wine Institute
Gladys Horiuchi, Director of Media Relations at the Wine Institute

Just what effect is all that rain having in the Golden State? Well they might have to rename it the Green State!
In this week’s show, David turns to Wine Institute Media Relations Director Gladys Horiuchi who expects everything will come up rosy this year. That would be a great thing since, in spite of the drought, the dry years have been very good to the quality of California wines!

Wine Institute LogoWhile he has her on the line, David reviews a brand new report on the enormous dollar volume of wine being exported to other countries… a pleasant revelation, considering all talk of the US being more of an importer than an exporter. Just how much economic impact does the Golden State wine industry have? Tune in!

Also in this episode, a little catching up on interesting stories from the wine world that will definitely make you look well informed at your next get-together! All this and more on this week’s Grape Encounters Radio!

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