May 1, 2024

Episode #537 – The Good News and Bad News From Wine Country This Fall

Whenever Host David Wilson wants information about absolutely anything having to do with wine, the wine industry or wine country, there are about four or five people he turns to. One of his absolute favorites is the Sommelier to the Stars, Christopher Sawyer. Almost every conversation with Christopher is a riot. There are some exceptions, including the first part of this discussion which centers on the horrifying fire that recently tore it’s way through Sonoma County… the place that Christopher calls home. If there’s any silver lining, it’s the fact that, despite this fire’s enormous footprint, there was no loss of life and far fewer structural losses than the massive number of homes and buildings leveled by the haunting fire that devastated the same region just two years ago. There is additional good news with regard to crops damaged by smoke taint.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on wp_trim_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on wp_trim_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on wp_trim_excerpt -->

There are few things on earth that generate more conversation than wine. For many, the thirst for wine knowledge becomes an obsession and it’s hard to imagine that anyone has fully ingested all there is to know about the world’s most revered beverage.

Whenever Host David Wilson wants information about absolutely anything having to do with wine, the wine industry or wine country, there are about four or five people he turns to. One of his absolute favorites is the Sommelier to the Stars, Christopher Sawyer. Almost every conversation with Christopher is a riot. There are some exceptions, including the first part of this discussion which centers on the horrifying fire that recently tore it’s way through Sonoma County… the place that Christopher calls home.

If there’s any silver lining, it’s the fact that, despite this fire’s enormous footprint, there was no loss of life and far fewer structural losses than the massive number of homes and buildings leveled by the haunting fire that devastated the same region just two years ago. There is additional good news with regard to crops damaged by smoke taint.

Seeing as the show was recorded on Christopher’s 50th Birthday, it only seems fitting that the discussion end on a positive note… and there’s plenty of happy things to also talk about on Episode 537 of Grape Encounters!

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