July 26, 2024

Episode #280 – How Much Do You Know About That Wine?

Paul Draper, Winemaker and CEO of Ridge VIneyards
Paul Draper, Winemaker and CEO of Ridge VIneyards

This week’s Grape Encounters is all about knowledge. The show begins with a very special interview with Paul Draper, the chief winemaker and CEO of Ridge Vineyards, a true icon in the winemaking world. Those who love Zinfandel certainly owe Paul a debt of gratitude, as he has been a central figure in the elevation of Zin to the stature it enjoys today. Paul competed in the historic 1976 Judgment of Paris and won the rematch decades later. Today, Paul is on a mission to get the government to allow winemakers to disclose the additives they use to alter their wine. Yes, you heard right. The government AND many winemakers are against it. Learn more about this very important issue by tuning in.

Meridith May, Publisher of Somm Journal and Tasting Notes magazines
Meridith May, Publisher of Somm Journal and Tasting Notes magazines

Next up, meet Publisher and Editor Meridith May of the Somm Journal and Tasting Panel Magazines. Meridith’s publications are two of the single best information resources for beverage and hospitality industry professionals, as well as what Meridith affectionately refers to as “Wine Geeks.” David and Meridith have a spirited discussion about the complex challenges associated with keeping people informed about the ever-mushrooming number of wine and spirit brands that now require big box stores to house them all! How times have changed!

Finally, speaking of Somms, News Anchor Larry Gifford tells listeners about the Somm in his pocket. Just tune in to learn more!

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