February 6, 2025

Sopexa Wine Trade Monitor

Episode #382 – Surprising Wine Trends and “I Told You So” Revelations found in the Sopexa Wine Trade Monitor!

Sara Schneider, Wine Editor, Sunset Magazine
Sara Schneider, Wine Editor, Sunset Magazine

Breaking Down the 2016 Sopexa Wine Trade Monitor With Special Guest Pauline Oudin, Managing Director of Sopexa USA

Sopexa LogoSopexa is one of the world’s leading Food and Beverage marketing agencies, with offices around the globe representing many of the world’s leading food, wine and spirit producers. Every two years, they release the SOPEXA WINE TRADE MONITOR, an international prospective study focusing on still wines. In this study, 1,100 key stakeholders including importers, wholesalers and retailers present their 2-year forecast on market development and key trends.

Pauline Oudin, Managing Director of Sopexa USA
Pauline Oudin, Managing Director of Sopexa USA

If you are an avid follower of all things wine, then you probably suspect that there are a lot of things changing in the industry in terms of consumer preferences.  Perhaps no one in the industry is more tuned in to the changing tastes of wine consumers than Pauline Oudin, Managing Director of Sopexa USA.

On this week’s Grape Encounters Radio, Pauline joins host David Wilson to review the key findings of the 2016 Sopexa Wine Trade Monitor… a real eye opener that also confirms many of the trends that we have been observing and talking about on Grape Encounters Radio. Among the key findings that David and Pauline discuss during this week’s show are:

  • The importance of stocking wines from France.
  • The growing influence of Chile as a major force in the wine industry.
  • The rising appeal of Spanish wines; especially from Rioja.
  • Spain, Chile and Australia as go-to places for attractively priced wines for everyday enjoyment.
  • The insatiable thirst of Americans for rosé wines.
  • Grenache as the wine varietal to watch.
  • The increase of screw cap wine acceptance.

If you want to know what you might be missing out on, this is a definite must-listen-to episode of Grape Encounters, featuring one of the most enlightened executives in the wine industry. You can also check out the Wine Trend Monitor at: http://www.sopexa.com/uploads/566fc-sopexa_wine-trade-monitor_2016_en.pdf

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