July 26, 2024

Purple Heart Wines

Episode #385 – Purple Heart Wines; Completely Dedicated to Thanking and Helping Our Veterans!

It is thoroughly amazing how many ways wine is used to do good things for great people. In this episode of Grape Encounters Radio, David strikes up a conversation with winemaker David Grega who is a collaborator in the production of Purple Heart Wines; a delicious blend that gives much of its profit to the Purple Heart Foundation.

David Grega knows an awful lot about the needs and sacrifices of our military veterans. After all, during his tour of duty in Iraq, he dreamed of one day becoming a winemaker. Well, it wasn’t long before David got out of the service and into the vineyard. As a matter of fact, he not only became a winemaker, but specialized in producing upper-tier Napa Valley Cabernets.

After perfecting his craft, he joined the Purple Heart Wine team, and what he and his co-producers have accomplished is simply amazing. Their modestly priced Purple Heart Wine will capture your heart with it’s intense flavors, perfect balance and determination to pamper your palate. The wine is a real winner and the cause it supports is so very important.

Listen in as David talks about his daily duty in Iraq, patrolling what most consider to be the most dangerous road in the region. While on duty, David filled his quiet hours with thoughts of how to become a premium winemaker. It turns out, all that thinking time really paid off!

The show ends with David and Sara Schneider of Sunset Magazine sharing their thoughts about “varietal correctness.” This is a really tricky subject that you’ll surely want to consider. So, tune in, uncork and take it all in!

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