July 27, 2024

Cardella Winery

Episode #393 – Cardella Winery: Our 2016 Winery of the Year!

The Uncanny Success Story of the Cardella Winery!

At the beginning of each year, it is Grape Encounters’ pleasure to look back upon the wineries and winemakers featured on the show in the prior year and select one that we believe has truly distinguished themselves by producing a broad range of consistently outstanding wines. Host David Wilson says “This year’s choice was easy… not simply because the Cardella Winery in Mendota California has literally earned a pot of gold medals, but also because the place they call home is best known for modestly-priced table wines produced in very high volume.”

The Cardella Family
The Cardella Family

The past year, Grape Encounters had the privilege of introducing the folks at Cardella to millions of listeners who were as astonished by the quality of these wines as we were. Through innovation and an unwavering commitment to being exceptional, the Cardella Winery lived up to the prediction David made nearly a year ago. He said then that Cardella was destined to be one of America’s great cult wineries. On today’s show, you’ll learn why, as David returns to this small production boutique winery located smack dab in the middle of a region renowned for high-production everyday table wines.

Suzanne Palazzo
Suzanne Palazzo, Sales and Tasting Room Manager

Joining David for this discussion of the remarkable Cardella success story is Winemaker Nathan Cardella, winery owner (and Nathan’s father) Rod Cardella, and Sales and Tasting Room Manager Suzanne Palazzo. It’s a great story about great people making great wine!

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