July 27, 2024

Episode #596 – The New Wine Normal is Coming Soon. This ISN’T it!

If you want to see Host David Wilson’s demeanor change from affable to outraged in a matter of seconds, all you have to do is toss the term “new normal” into the conversation. There’s no doubt that we’ve all had to make major life adjustments to cope in a Covid world, but David refuses to accept the status quo as being even remotely normal. Sure, we’ve all had to make do. We’ve compromised and agonized our way through a horribly dreadful 2020, but shouldn’t our sacrifices stand for something? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to awaken to an even brighter world than the one we left behind when Covid became a part of everything on our mind? Well, we still have to do all we can to defeat the virus, but we can and should look toward the future with conviction and optimism. Let’s create the new wine normal.

Winemaker, author, teacher and ambassador Wes Hagen joins David in a passionate discussion that encourages wine enthusiasts to reject the notion of new normal. After all, nothing has been normal about the past year and much of what used to bring us loads of pleasure had to be set aside for a while. But calling our current state of being “the new normal’ feels a lot like throwing in the cards and accepting defeat. Not so fast! Though the bar has been lowered for many months now, it’s not a permanent state of being and, even though the pandemic is far from over, we can find a great deal of pleasure in conceptualizing a world that rewards our sacrifices and perseverance. Accordingly, this might be a great time to begin planning your next wine adventure, guided by realistic expectation about when we can safely begin living life without danger or restrictions.

David says, “I know most people are very discouraged and so they don’t allow themselves the opportunity to dream and plan because we’ve all had to face so much loss, heartbreak and disappointment. We are all living in a temporary state of affairs and whatever we want normal to be down the road is ours to invent!”

This episode of Grape Encounters will give you plenty to think about and, just for fun, David takes us on a little WINE METAPHOR ADVENTURE just for giggles. What if we described other things and people in our lives the way critics talk about wine? To illustrate just how odd wine tasting notes can be, David has prepared “tasting notes” to describe is friend Wes. It’s an eye-opening hoot that you won’t want to miss on this episode of Grape Encounters!

This episode of Grape Encounters is brought to you by Total Wine & More! With the holidays coming up fast, it’s time to get your wine game in high gear. After all, there are few holidays that beckon us to get creative with pairing more than Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sure, it can be daunting, but that’s why it’s so fun to let the experts at Total Wine & More bounce some ideas your way. However, if you’d prefer to enjoy a home shopping socially-distanced experience, explore the amazing wines, beer and spirits online at TotalWine.com. You can do all your shopping from home and take advantage of our first class curbside pickup at your local Total Wine & More store.

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